Hoe? - CDS & DMSO
01. Wat moet ek doen en hoe kan ek voorberei terwyl ek vir my CDS bestelling wag?
01. What could I do and how could I prepare, while waiting for the arrival of my CDS order?

Jy kan jou eie CDS tuis vervaardig uit die inhoud van die bottelstelletjie voor en met gebruik van 'n toeknypfles en glas ‘shot’glasie, soos agter. Dr Kalcker het die eenvoudige wyse ontwikkel, sodat selfs 'ouma's' dit tuis kan regkry – in sy eie woorde.
Jy gaan die bottelstelletjie met bestandele voor op die foto van ons af ontvang. Kry intussen ‘n lugdigte toeknypfles (met ‘n volume van ongeveer 500ml) en glas ‘shot’glasie wat daarin pas, soos agter op die foto, gereed. (Westpack het soortgelyke toerusting beskikbaar.)
Daarby gaan jy tru-osmose / gedistilleerde / fontein- / boorgatwater, dus chloorvrye water, nodig hê.
Spuitjies, waarmee jy in milliliters kan afmeet, sal ook handig te pas kom, asook ‘n liter glasbottel met ‘n plastiekdoppie vir jou daaglikse dosering.
You could prepare your own CDS at home with the bottle set in front and with the use of a mason jar and glass shot glass, as at the back. Dr Kalcker developed this simple system so that even your granny could accomplish it at home - in his own words.
We send you the bottle set with ingredients in front. In the meantime you could get an airtight mason jar (with a volume of approximately 500ml) and a glass shot glass that will fit into the mason jar, as at the back on the photo, ready. WestPack stocks both.
Apart from that you will need reverse osmosis / distilled / fountain / borehole water, thus chlorine-free water.
Dosage syringes that could measure millilitres will also come in handy, as well as a litre glass bottle with a plastic top for your daily dosing.
02. Hoe maak ek my eie CDS konsentraat by die huis?
02. How do I prepare my own CDS concentrate at home?
Die aanwysings oor hoe om die CDS-konsentraat te maak, is ook op die botteltjies, maar indien jy soos die meeste mense is, sal jy ook 'n videovoorstelling waardeer:
Hier wys Dr Kalcker hoe jy jou eie CDS konsentraat tuis kan maak. (Ignoreer die 3de botteltjie - dit is 'n alternatiewe aktiveerder , wat nie op ons van toepassing is nie. Die toetspapiertjies is ook maar net per wetenskaplike demonstrasie. As jy die aanwysings volg, sal die oplossing op 3000ppm uitkom.)
NB. Onthou om die klaargemaakte CDS-konsentraat in die YSKAS te bêre, aangesien dit slegs stabiel bly onder 11 °C.
Here Dr Kalcker shows you how to make your own CDS concentrate at home. (You could ignore the 3rd bottle – it is an alternative activator, not applicable to us. The testing papers are also there for scientific demonstration only. If you follow his instructions carefully, your solution will come out at 3000ppm.)
NB. Please remember to place the finished CDS concentrate in the FRIDGE, since it remains stable only in temperatures below 11°C.
03. Hoe meng /verdun ek CDS konsentraat sodat ek dit kan drink?
03. How do I mix/dilute my CDS concentrate so that I could start drinking it?

Wanneer jou CDS-konsentraat veilig in die yskas is, kan jy dit met chloorvrye water in jou literbottel meng vir Protokol C (die mees algemene drink-protokol) om dit geleidelik te vermeerder na 10 dosisse per dag, soos
verduidelik op die blaadjie.
Let op dat jy na die 21 dae detoksfase, die dosering geleidelik kan verhoog (volgens jou liggaam se reaksie) na altesame 30ml CDS-konsentraat per dag.

Once your CDS-concentrate is safely in the fridge, you can make a dilution for Protocol C (the most widely used protocol for systemic use by drinking) with chlorine free water in your liter bottle - the dosage of which you’ll increase gradually to 10 dosages per day, as explained on the leaflet.
Please note that, after the 21 day detox phase, you could increase the dosage gradually (according to your body’s reaction and tolerance) to up to 30ml of CDS-concentrate per day.
04. Hoe lyk die verdunning? 'n Skematiese voorstelling met Alternatiewe Aanvangsprotokol.
04. What does the dilution look like? A schematic presentation with Alternative Start-up Protocol.

05. Met watter protokols kry ek myself gesond?
05. Which protocols do I use to treat myself?

As jy 'n self-navorser is, sal jy Dr Kalcker se boek - Forbidden Health - sommer baie waardeer. Hy bespreek amper alle moontlike protokols in Hfst 3 (elkeen met sy eie toepassing vir verskillende siektes).
In Hfst 4 bespreek hy weer spesifieke siektes met hul behandelingsvoorstelle. Dit is dus 'n goeie selfhelp-gesondheidsboek vir mense, wat daarvan hou om vir hulself te dink en besluit. As jy die beste kans op beterskap soek, kan jy dus oor jou siektetoestand in Hfst 4 gaan lees en die gepasde protokols in Hfst 3 vind.
Kry die boek in elektroniese formaat HIER.
If you’re a researcher, you will appreciate Dr Kalcker’s book - Forbidden Health – a lot. He explains almost all possible treatment protocols in Chapter 3 (each once with it’s own application for a variety of illnesses).
In Chapter 4 he discusses specific illnesses with their suggested treatments. It is therefore a very good self-help book for people who prefer thinking and deciding for themselves. If you’re hoping for the best chance of healing, you could thus read up about your specific illness in Chapter 4 and find the relevant protocols in Chapter 3.
Get the book in electronic format HERE.
CDS Feite
Wat doen CDS in my liggaam?
What does CDS do in my body?

Wat is CDS en wat is die verskil tussen CDS en MMS?