Boer saam met die Natuur:
MMS Diere is die nuutste tendens in Vrylopende en Organiese Hoenderboerdery.
Dit is tegelykertyd 'n
- Alternatiewe Geneesmiddel
- Immunestelsel Ondersteuner en
- Detoks
Dit word gebruik vir 'n verskeidenheid van siektes.
Persoonlik het ons 'n troetelhoender van 'n vergroeisel oor die oog genees, binne die bestek van 'n week. (Ons het 'n kombinasie van die MMS Diere in die waterbak en CDS-konsentraat, direk op die area gespuit, gebruik.)
Vriende se Vrylopende Hoenderplaas is tydens die voëlgriep epidemie van waarskynlike uitwissing gered. Die ramp het die naburige plaas getref. Self het hulle 38 hoenders verloor en na 'n aangepasde dosering (sien doseringsaanbevelings) het geen verdere hoenders gesterf nie en kon hulle slag - met die komplimente van die vleisinspekteur.
Die feit dat die middel afbreek in tafelsout en suurstof, maak dit ideaal vir natuurlike en organiese boerderye.
MMS Diere
Telegram Group
In drinking treatments, we find in these birds a very robust and perfectly adequate digestive system that allows them to be treated with higher doses compared to all other species, and the application of the product in any of its 3 forms:
1- Sodium chlorite
2- MMS
3- CDS
We know that CDS is the best way of administering chlorine dioxide, but given the acceptability of the species, the most practical thing is to administer Sodium Chlorite alone (NaClO2 at 28%), from trusted source or brands that guarantee the absence of toxic residues (free of Nitrates). The administration of quality chlorite is essential to avoid toxicity, which causes undesirable digestive disturbances.
• - Prevention 1 drop of Sodium Chlorite per / 10 kg of live weight / 24 hours
• - Standard 1 drop of Sodium Chlorite per / 4 kg of live weight / 24 hours
• - Shock 1 drop of Sodium Chlorite per / 2 kg of live weight / 24 hours
Suggested Application Way:
A dosage per liter of water cannot be recommended because water consumption is highly variable depending on ambient temperature and humidity, and the type of food the birds receive, therefore, we will do the calculations in another way:
Whether in refillable drinkers for small groups, or drinkers connected to a tank for larger groups, the pattern is the same.
- First day- Treat all the water with one drop per liter (equivalent to 8 ml per 100 litres), and in the case of large tanks, close the water inlet tap.
- From the second day onwards - Set the same time each day for treatment. Fill the tank. Once full close the stopcock again and treat as recommended as you saw above in "Dose", choosing the dose of prevention, standard or shock.
Example for the calculation of a "standard" treatment for 100 chickens of 1 kg:
- Lot 100 chickens
- Average weight 1 kg
- Total live weight 100 kg
- Standard dose (1 drop x 4 kg) 100/4= 25 drops
- 13 drops = 1 ml 25/13=2 ml
The indicated dose corresponds to 25 drops (2 ml) Sodium Chlorite / 24 hours.
Telegram Group